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Want to sleep better?
As a society, we’re worse rested than ever before — and it’s not hard to figure out why. We have more attention-sucking distractions than any other time in history, and it can take a heck of a lot of discipline to rise above their power.
If you struggle with sleep — or simply want to make the most of your rest — follow these seven rules for a successful nighttime routine.
#1. Unplug
The experts have said time and again that screen time has an adverse effect on sleep. This is not new information. What IS new in recent years: Instagram. TikTok. Schitt’s Creek. This Is Us. The list continues.
There’s a constant flow of new content happening at every minute of every day on all of our devices, and it never sleeps. And if you aren’t mindful, you won’t either.
Devices like TVs, iPads, smartphones and the like emit an artificial blue light, which can throw your body off its natural sleep clock by suppressing your body’s production of melatonin, the “sleepy” hormone.
“But I put it on night mode!”
Good for you. It’s not enough.
If you’re scrolling through social media — even mindlessly — or watching TV, your brain is engaged on some level, and it can make it harder to fall asleep and to stay asleep. There’s so much fascinating (and convincing) research on this topic, and I bet that in your gut, you know it’s true.
So what can you do? Unplug. Set your alarms if you don’t have a traditional clock.
I know, I know — easier said than done.
Side note: I highly recommend getting an old-school alarm clock (here’s a digital one and an analog, non-ticking one). Put your phone ACROSS the room from your head when you sleep. It CANNOT be good to have all that tech up near your brain for 8 hours every day. It just can’t. I believe our generation is one giant guinea pig and we are soon going to see the ramifications of all this tech! Resist! RESIST IT! OK, stepping off the soapbox for now.
It may take some getting used to, but staying off your phone and screen for TWO HOURS before you go to bed can be a huge piece of the sleeping better puzzle.
Make it the first part of your “wind-down ritual” every evening. That means not watching TV in bed, not checking emails right before bed, and not watching YouTube videos as you brush your teeth.
#2. Take a few minutes to “nest”
Visual clutter can take up valuable brain space … also nobody likes to wake up at 3 a.m. and contemplate whether that mysterious shape in the corner is a pile of clothes or a serial killer.
Do yourself a favor: Take five minutes to gather all the clothes piled up on the dresser and either fold and put away or toss in the laundry. Clear all the used water glasses off of your side table. Straighten the pillows on your couch. Do a once-over with a disinfectant on your kitchen counters and table.
These small tasks have similar benefits to making your bed in the mornings: If nothing else in your day goes right, at least you can feel in control of your little nest. This sense of order will aid in your sleep and take one thing off the never-ending mental to-do list.
#3. Create your Top Three priority list
I think everyone should journal, but whether you do that in the morning, at night, and what your journal is about is a totally personal decision — so tailor this bit to your liking.
A “Top Three” list is jotting down the top three things you need to accomplish the next day. I actually also do a Top Three list at the end of my workday, and have a separate one for “regular life”.
Of course, you can make the list longer if you want, but the Rule of Three kinda keeps it all within this reasonable framework where you feel like you don’t have to save the world or solve all of your problems, you simply need to tackle the next task.
Pro tip: Even if you don’t do this task while you’re in the bed, keep the notebook (or any notepad!) on your bedside table. That way, if you wake up from an epic dream about a billion dollar business idea, you can jot down a few key words to trigger your memory in the morning.
Anyone else a middle-of-the-night thinker? ****raises hand****
If your mind is racing, this really can do wonders to “get it off your chest” by brain dumping onto a piece of paper and resolving to deal with it when you’re fully alert and functional.
RELATED READ: 7 Morning Routine Hacks for a More Productive Day
#4. Preset for the morning
Back when I was in showbiz, we “preset” costumes and props all the time — it simply means carefully placing your costume/prop in a designated area so that it can be easily accessed for a quick, simple turnaround. A 30-second window to change shoes, change costumes, take the hair down and leap back onto the stage? BOOM, handled.
Translate this forethought to your everyday routine by thinking through your morning and taking all the steps you can to make it go as smoothly as possible.
For you, that may mean you…
- Set the coffee maker
- Lay out your outfit
- Load up your essential oil diffuser for the morning
- Pack your lunch
- Lay out your work bag/gym bag/whatever bag
(Side note: This is the essential oil diffuser I use and LOVE!!!)
#5. Take your time with your beauty regimen
Enjoy the ritual!
Make this “me” time, even if it’s only two minutes. If you have the luxury of time (after all, you’re not on your screen, so you suddenly have plenty of time!) then indulge in a mini spa every night.
Suds up your face, take an extra minute to massage your face with facial oil, rub a drop of lavender essential oil on your temples (I swear it relieves headaches!), floss.
It’s the little things that make the difference.
RELATED READ: How to Create the Ultimate At-Home Spa in 10 Easy Steps
#6. Meditate
… or do breath work, or pray, or all of the above. Meditation provides a number of wide-ranging benefits, and can even boost your immunity.
If you find yourself falling asleep while you meditate, try doing it sitting upright. Or, hey, fall asleep if that’s what you want to do!
#7. Read
Even if you’re not a “reader,” challenge yourself to read a few pages of a book every night. It’s the perfect way to wind down and get your eyes sleepy!
I won’t get started on how much I love reading … but I will say I love being swept away by a story before I fall asleep. No business books or self-growth book *for me* before bed — fiction all the way 😉 Those are daytime books. But you do you.
With these seven habits powering your nighttime routine, you are setting yourself up for a good night’s sleep and a smooth start to the next day. Try them out tonight!
Still not sleeping well?
Here are a few more tricks to try:
- Consider your caffeine intake throughout the day — an obvious, but major issue for many people. Don’t forget that drinks and foods besides coffee can contain caffeine. Check out this list of surprising foods that contain caffeine from (hiiiiiii cereal! Like what?!?).
- Keep a consistent bedtime. (And wind-down time.) As much as we like to think that we are these complex, adaptable creatures, we’re big ol’ babies in a lot of ways. Our bodies crave routine when it comes to sleep, and staying up too late and sleeping in on the weekends can throw your circadian rhythm way off.
- Try changing up your shower time. Some people prefer to shower in the morning as a wake-up, some at night as a wind-down. Try different times of day and see if that impacts your rest at all.
Hopefully these tips help you if you are wondering how to sleep better. Have any other clever sleepy time tricks? Drop your thoughts in the comments below!
And pin this list so you can find it later: