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Looking to create a morning routine that will help boost productivity and peacefulness in your day?
Well, do you ever wonder how morning people …. are morning people?
How some people seem to be on top of their day? Those who somehow manage to make it to work with a pleasant smile and an *unspilled* travel mug of coffee, and who clearly didn’t race out the door with a shirt on inside out or mascara only on one eye. (Not that I know what that’s like … 😉
Having a structured morning routine is key in shaping a productive day, and it all starts before your feet even hit the floor.
This post is all about ways to improve your morning routine. Read on to find out the seven top tips for a winning morning regimen:
1. Make your bed.
You’ve heard the quote by now I’m sure. U.S. Navy Admiral William H. McRaven made a powerful commencement speech that went viral on the interwebs awhile back.
His advice? If you want to change the world, start by making your bed.
Definitely watch the clip of his speech if you have the time (it’s only about six minutes long), but the gist of it is that you should start each day with one task done. Making your bed sets the tone for the rest of your day — it’s one small task that is done, that can be checked off. And then the next task can be done. And then the next. He goes on to describe how these small tasks are translated into a life you can be proud of.
“Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that the little things in life matter. If you can’t do the little things right, you’ll never be able to do the big things right.”
U.S. Navy Admiral William H. McRaven
On a much smaller scale, a made bed is aesthetically pleasing. It’s a visual confirmation that your life is in order — that you are in control. If nothing else in your day goes right, at least you can come home to a made bed.
That much you can control.
2. Drink hot lemon honey water.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again!
Starting your day with hot lemon water (with maybe a splash of organic local honey) can be a gamechanger for your digestive tract and your immunity. It’s so simple, yet so effective! My grandmother swears by this trick, and I do too. Hot lemon water has been linked to weight loss, improved skin quality, kidney stone prevention and more. If you want to change up the flavor but still keep it healthy, try throwing in a sprig of fresh mint, a slice of ginger root, or a tiny bit of turmeric.
RELATED READ: 11 ALL-NATURAL Ways to Boost Your Immune System
3. … and then drink some more water.
Don’t stop with a small mug of lemon water. If you are a coffee or hot tea drinker in the mornings, it’s especially important to rehydrate before a diuretic.
Think about it this way: Would you really go 9 hours in the day without thinking about a sip of water? NO! So after you wake up from sleeping for 6-9 hours, it’s crucial to drink plenty of water.
Obsessed with these Mikasa drinking glasses.
A big water bottle is an easy way to track how much water you’re drinking throughout the day! My husband and I got this pack of two Thermoflasks and use every single day — love ’em.
4. Morning stretches.
Even if you’re not a “yogi,” you can benefit from a few minutes of stretching in the mornings. It’s the perfect way to get some blood flowing (literally — it’s excellent for your circulation) and to shake out the stress and tension in your body. Whether it’s a full workout regiment or a three minute sun salutation series, physical activity provides an energetic burst to start the day.
5. Journal.
This is one of my favorite parts of my day! With my hot lemon water in hand, I cozy up just me — no phone, no computer, no husband, just me and my pen and notebook. It’s a sacred part of my ritual where I take five minutes (at least!) for myself to recalibrate, reflect and jot down a few thoughts.
My process is super simple: I write down THREE things. They can be words, phrases, something I read in a book, a joke my husband told … sticking to this simple approach has shifted some of the “pressure” off of writing in a journal.
(Am I right?? Sometimes for me, the thought of journaling stacks up as a chore if I feel I don’t have the time to sit down right then to catalog my life. Like, why? Why does it matter if nobody is going to read it?! All I know is that if I only “have” to write down three things, it feels attainable and doable. Plus, it forces me to start each day with a grateful heart 🙂
This gold-dot Kate Spade journal is VERY on-brand for me. May need to buy…
6. Eat a real breakfast.
Get your brain firing on all cylinders with a protein-packed, nutrient-dense breakfast. I love overnight oats, smoothies, avocado toast, and tacos. Yeah, I said it. Tacos for breakfast.
7. Check in with your priority list from the night before.
Before you race out the door or run into the shower to get ready, glance over your list of priorities that you created the night before.
(If you don’t do a nighttime priority list, it’s a FANTASTIC way to improve productivity and efficiency in your day-to-day life. That way, you’re not spending the first parts of your day thinking about what you should be doing. You can just knock out your top three. Highly recommend.)
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There you have it — seven things to do to improve your morning routine for a more productive day.
Did you notice the ONE main thing that was missing from this list?
Challenge yourself to stay off all screens for the first hour of your day.
For some people, that means waking up earlier is a must. It can be hard to fight the urge to check emails in bed, or scroll for a few minutes on Instagram, but that’s a fast way to set your day off course.
Stressful emails can kick you off your center.
Social media comparison is a great way to feel crappy about yourself before you’ve even rolled out of bed.
Checking to see what texts have rolled in can distract you from setting your intentions for the day.
Again, it seems like it wouldn’t impact your day very much, but it does. Just try! Try to go one hour. And before you know it, you won’t miss that thing at all.
RELATED READ: 8 Ways to Be More Confident
What else do you do to start your day? Do you add an icy cold shower to your list? Or are you more of a splash of cold water to the face kinda gal? Any clever ideas? Drop them in the comment section below!
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